Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Giant: the love of a Father

Little Steps: Your daughter took very little steps.
She thought they were too small.
She thought they were too petty.
But these little steps eventually moved her away from You, little by little.

These little steps became big enough to keep her in a distance wherein she could hardly hear what You say.
These little steps took her in a distance far enough for her not to see You direct her steps, far enough to lead her astray.

Those little steps that she took led her to tread the wrong way at the crossroads.

She has been away, she is struggling to find her way back.
She realized that she lost her way in a familiar place. She has been lost here. And her little steps took her to be lost in the same place again.

Then, Your daughter breaks down and cries.
She misses You. She longs for You.

At her initial cry of repentance, her initial cry to go back, right there and then, Grace and Mercy came to meet her. To lead her back to You.

And when she saw You, at that corner where she left You, where her little steps started taking her far, she started to run to You. Only, You ran so fast, faster than her, even faster than the fastest athlete, just to take her in Your arms. In a couple of seconds, You held her in your arms, safe in Your embrace. Your Giant love was relentless to take her back from wherever her little steps took her.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

It is YOU

If there is one person whom I won’t be able to take my mind off, it is YOU.

You, who knew me before I was born.
You, who saw me grow up as a child.
You, who delighted in me as an adolescent.
To You, whom I have run to because of every heartache a man caused me.

You, who have loved me ever since, all along.

If there is one person steadfastly, consistently loving me,
Thinking of me
Taking care of me
Protecting me
Watching me
Desiring what’s best for me
It is YOU

You, who have unceasingly done good and great works in my life.
You, who have understood and accepted me at my worst.
You, who have always seen and always see the best in me.

You, who have been constantly courting me and chasing me, to get my attention, for me to know you more and fall in love with You deeper.
You are my most persistent, loving and patient suitor.
You are the one I should never be able to take my mind off.
To YOU I give my “YES”- forevermore.