Saturday, July 17, 2010

A better, more useful place other than the forgotten memory

The rush of flowing water from a faucet left open and not in use would have alarmed my mother and made her shout, "Patayin yang gripo, sayang ang tubig!" 
Disappointment and rage would be evidently seen on her face, but she has very right to be upset about it. 
Water is indeed precious. Every drop left counts. An article I've read recently stated that water scarcity now looms worldwide. Some 1.2 billion people have now limited access to it. Even so, "the effects of population, urbanization and climatic change has made it more scarce".

But my intention is not to give water conservation lessons. I have in mind a precious thing like water that could be wasted if left unused or taken for granted.
Ten thousand of this pass through our minds a day. We could sort them out as interesting or non sense, clear or vague, positive or negative.. but each is an amazing abstract of the brain - a thought.

Different thoughts flood our mind in a day, in an hour, in a minute or even in a second. Everything around us started out from a thought; a creative, incredible idea of the mind.

The Lord's thoughts,beyond human comprehension, have made the vast, unfathomable universe and everything in it possible.
And as He created us in His image, our human thoughts have opened the way for a great number of what we commonly see today; from mechanical equipments/ appliances to automatic and highly advanced technologies. These are the wondrous products of our thoughts.

But like water flowing from a faucet left open and not in use, the rush of thoughts would be wasted and useless. If only dishes were rinsed through it, hands made clean, or a container is filled and stored for future use. That flowing water would have a lot of uses to contribute when it's utilized wisely at its full potential. Imagine the thoughts you could be wasting if you can't speak it out to inform others, encourage a friend or exalt your Savior. Think of the running thoughts that might have slipped out of your memory, drained and could no longer be retrieved because you've not penned it on a paper. Not only did you forget that special thoughts and ideas that God gave you.. but you also missed writing or telling about it that could have helped and blessed someone.

Honestly, I am giving myself a sermon, a written and verbal reprimand. Our God no doubt have created each of us fearfully and wonderfully. I praise Him for the amazing, unlikely and noteworthy thoughts He gives me each day. My guilt and concern is that  I haven't kept a record of it all.

This awakening calls not only to me but to all people, typical or  blessed by unlikely, special thoughts. My dear creative thinkers, be it writing, blogging or speaking.. let these gems of thoughts out :o.

Don't waste the running thoughts while they're still abundant. Place it in a better, more useful place other than the forgotten memory.


  1. like! like! let's keep on writing, speaking for the glory of our Maker :)

  2. by the way, I love your new layout ♥

  3. tnx po ate joan ^^ hehe, yes po all for His glory...:)
