Wednesday, December 28, 2011


December 27, 2011



My apologies to:

the notebook I left unnoticed, unopened, and useless

my thoughts wasted, unpublished and left raw

my blog site left unvisited, inactive

my heart left recklessly overloaded with feelings I wasn't able to put into writing

to insights/ learning that I wasn't’t able to take account of

to experiences not recorded and memories not preserved in paper

to the heart that ached for its cry to write was not heeded

to the right hand withheld from what its been itching to do

to my mind, body, overdosed with sleeping, watching movies, eating and sloth

to my God for having to deal with my unfaithfulness and forgetfulness of Him


But most of all my apologies

To self

For wanting to be perfect, for wanting everything to be right, for being too hard on myself, for struggling to forgive you and for not realizing these things that I gave my apologies about our things we normally commit mistakes and err upon.