Monday, April 4, 2011

No to S-O-L-O

             This vacation, being caught idle lying in your bed, wondering what to do next isn't a new picture. And when you look at your phone - seeing no text messages from anyone or worse - alone in the house - what is most likely to happen next? You would then find some medium to be able to connect to people: chat on Internet, text your friends or find some place to go to find someone to talk to. And yes, it's all because it's no fun to feel all alone.

             One not-idle-therefore-busy-day that I had, I was to pressured by the amount of tasks to be done. (I didn't know vacations had a hectic schedule too :O) I was about to have my devotion, but I felt alone and alone with my piling tasks.

             Funny, the lyrics "I don''t wanna go S - O - L - O" from a famous song heard nearly everywhere (bus, jeepney, mall and etc.) rang in my mind.

             Well, society today indeed shows us - we need company. And it made me see the clearer picture why more and more teen-agers change their status from single to in-a-relationship on facebook or join themselves in "tropas", "barakadas" or whatever names we call it.

             The bottom line is: We don't want to walk this earth S-O-L-O!

             And I then came to my senses: "So did God!"

             What I wrote in my journal was: "God doesn't want us to walk the earth S-O-L-O! He desires us to team up with Him!

              The insight as if opened my eyes to a gift I had all along but I never noticed nor opened! I was slapped on my face feeling like a fool who has finally gained wisdom.

               It was needless to feel all alone, to do all things alone when God wants to be with you and do all things together with you!

               It is a privilege we so often neglect and overlook as Christians - having to work with the King of kings.

               But I then wrote in my journal: "How is it really to team up with an unseen God?"

               I was led to one truth: We cannot see God, but His works and words are plainly evident. (Mark 12:24)

              (1) Words - Proverbs 4:13 says "Keep hold of instruction, do not let go, guard her, for she is your life."
               The verse gives us the practical responsibility to remind ourselves of His words from time to time and to never let go of it. That is the very way for an effective team-up with Him: not leaving Him by not leaving His Word behind.

              (2) Works - A marvelous, unseen Hand is at work in every moment of our lives and it is the Lord's. (Romans 8:28)
                             - God is faithful in completing what He has started in us. (Philippians 1:6)
                             - Our Great Team Mate can do more than we ever ask or imagine! (Ephesians 3:20)
              Here is a world where people can leave and disappoint us, and where we have unlimited limits.

              As one entry in my journal put it:
              End of self = liberation
              It takes a point of self bankruptcy to realize you can never do it on your own. Be done away with trusting yourself, it will only hurt you. You need grace, you need none but Jesus.

              God brings us to a point of foolishness only His wisdom can suffice.

              God desires to be your everyday Team Mate so it's needless to walk the earth S-O-L-O.

              " John 15:5 I am the vine, you are the branches, He who abides in me and I in him will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing."

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