Thursday, April 22, 2010

My account will be back. This immaturity will pass.

APRIL 21 2010. 148 days after. almost 6 months

She didn't know hearts could literally ache.... until now.

Her jaw dropped as she was staring at the screen.

She could feel the nerves in her head telling her brain to register "PAIN"

She was unconscious that tears were starting to flow from her eyes.

But then she knew she was wrong.

It was only a drop that made itself seen on the surface of the computer desk.
She touched it and knew for once that regret and hurt once again overwhelmed her.

Out of shock, a reflex to pain most probably, she did just that... 
deactivate her facebook account

It left her blaming herself and hiding in tears.
"I never should have done those things!"

And she was left whispering..."Lord,,, help..."

"The tears won't stop... It's flowing inside me..
Lord, be my escape...
Take me away and wrap me tightly in your arms..
If possible.. don't ever bring me back to where I've been.."


  1. Hi Abi.. =)

    just want you to know that when we go through pain, God does not see us as immature people walking around. Jesus Himself went through heart-wrenching moments. it's okay to hurt. it's okay to grieve. it's okay to recognize that pain got registered into our system.

    then after recognizing pain, we surrender it to the big arms of our Friend. there, things will be light again.


  2. thanks so much ate joan. i know He does want me to surrender it all to Him...even if I try to resist. Just want you to know you're really a great blessing po. super thank you po...

  3. you are a blessing to me, too.. and to others as well. =)
    press on Abi.. endure and see the glory of God manifest in your life.
